
The SMB Practice ROM.

View the Project on GitHub pellsson/smb

SMB & SMB2J Practice ROM

A speedrun practice ROM for Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros 2 - The Lost Levels.

For feature requests or bug reports, please visit the issue tracker.

Looking to practice on PAL? Try out threecreepio’s independent PAL-conversion.

Major Version 5 (Current 5.6)

New Features

Bug Fixes


To keep settings, frame rules and stuff persistent; configure your game system (emulator, PowerPAK, EverDrive etc.) to allow the SMB Practice ROM battery-backed WRAM. Essentially, figure out how to make it so that you can save in Zelda (without savestates), power off the system, and load (without using save states). Then do the same for the SMB Practice ROM.

Feature list

Download & Installation

First download the desired version below:

Then simply apply that IPS (using for instance Lunar IPS) to the an original, unmodified version of the Super Mario Bros. (US/World) ROM. DO NOT use The Lost Levels. The MD5 checksum for the ROM you should be using is 811b027eaf99c2def7b933c5208636de.

Have fun!


Sprites for peach shamelessly stolen from Super Mario Bros.: Peach Edition